Thatcher, Funicello, Byargeon, Clark, and P183

Today, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher passed away, age 87.
Also, actress and former Mouseketeer Annette Funicello passed away, age 70.
I found out today that my fellow minister and friend Dr. Rick Byargeon passed away last week from cancer, age 55.
I also found out today that a former neighbor, church member, and friend Mrs. Effie Clark passed away, age 93.
Russian graffiti artist Pasha P183, age 29, died, as well.

What do all of these people have in common?
Well, I know that Dr. Byargeon and Mrs. Clark were both born-again believers in Christ Jesus, and have passed into His presence, joy, and glory. 
I don't know about the other three.
Chances are you've heard of Thatcher and Funicello, and possibly even Byargeon and Pasha P183.

More than 136,500 people have died so far today. [] About 2 die per second
I don't know all their names. I don't know their stories. I don't know their families, friends, jobs, struggles, desires, accomplishments, failures, etc.
But GOD knows. 
God cares.
Jesus died for each of those nearly 137,000 people who die today. And lived again for them.
I wonder how few knew Him before they met Him today face-to-face.
Scripture says that it is appointed that each person will die, and then face judgment [REF]. 
We all deserve death (eternally) for wrongs we have done of our own free will [Romans 3:23; 6:23], but God's free gift to us is life instead through Jesus Christ [Romans 6:23]. 

Did Pasha P183 know Jesus as Savior? I hope so.


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