A Bit of Explanation

This blog is essentially my own personal journal. Though slightly modified (and edited) for semi-public consumption, it is a record of my thoughts and feelings at the particular, specific time of the writing. 
Many posts I have read and re-read after writing, have removed certain specifics, added a little clarity (or muddied it), etc. Some posts I have decided not to publish at all - they are simply too personal.
Please keep in mind, if you are one of the limited number (the privileged few) that read these blogs, that I am being the real me.
I am baring some of my struggles, my doubts, my grasps at growing in my faith, etc.
I am deeply in love with my Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and I am so grateful for His incredible grace! 
When I gripe or struggle or whatever, please understand that I am just being honest about things with which we all struggle in varying degrees at varying times. 
Extend the grace to me that you wish to be extended to you as you share your own struggles with others, I humbly ask.
I know you do ... and I thank you!
God bless.
P.S. Either my computer or Blogspot decided to eighty-six a bunch of my images I had posted on about 1/3 of my posts here. So ... that's why you see a bunch of Kermit the Frog gifs.
P.P.S. You're welcome.


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