Being the Common Denominator

Years ago, it hit me that people who are repeatedly in miserable, failed relationships (romantic, friendship, professional, etc.) always have one common denominator to those relationships: themselves.
Therefore, when someone in this situation continually blames others for their bad relationships, their argument falls kind of flat.
Being the common denominator in all of my relationships that have failed has taught me that I cannot blame anyone else. I am always the main common portion of those relationships. 
It doesn't matter what we share in common, how long we've been together, et cetera. 

You can choose to end a relationship due to moralities that conflict.
- One of you is a Christian, and the other is not.
- One of you holds a strong conviction on a moral issue that conflicts with the other's view.

You can choose to end a relationship due to outside factors that conflict.
- One of you lives a long distance from the other, so keeping a relationship going is difficult.
- One of you is dealing with factors in your life that keep you from committing to a relationship (sickness, dealing with past issues, etc.).
- You simply can't deal with the negative responses of others to the relationship.

You can choose to end a relationship due to personalities that conflict.
- One of you realizes your personalities simply don't mesh.
- You have different goals, different approaches, different temperaments, etc.

I have been in relationships that ended because of something in each of these three categories. 

If God has someone for me in a friendship / romantic relationship, He will provide that person, at the perfect place and time. I have no doubt of that. I'm even okay with waiting (most of the time, at least). 

But I have to wonder what kind of person can appreciate and put up with my moral issues, my outside-factor issues, and my personality. 
I get pretty frustrated when I think of how easily I can alienate someone.
Oh, well. That's enough.


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