Use What You Got, Not What You Don't Got

Do you sometimes wish you had a talent you don't already possess?
That you could sing, or cook, or play an instrument, or paint, or teach, or ... whatever?
It seems that we spend so much time trying to be people we are NOT, instead of trying to utilize the gifts God has already given us.
Why should I spend my time wishing I was a piano virtuoso, instead of using my drawing ability?
Why should I waste my energies wishing for [x] when I already have been gifted with [y]?
God has given us each different abilities. He has called each us and wants to use us.
God didn't save me and tell me to serve Him as someone other than who He has equipped me to be. He has never asked me to do anything I cannot do in His power. 
Has God ever given me more than I can handle? Yes!! But He has never given me more than He and I can handle together!


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