Hungry Hungry Hippos

Ever play the game Hungry Hungry Hippos? Don't deny it. You'd play it right now if it was on the table in front of you.
It's a great game ... teaches you about manic hysteria, incredible greed, eating disorders, which way the table or floor leans in your house, etc.
Through HHH we, as children, also learned that hippos have incredible stretchable necks, and come in rainbow colors. And, that you never, never, ever want to get between a hippo and his marbles. 
How Hungry Hungry are we as adults?
Are we that indiscriminate when it comes to the things we pursue in life?
If we're pursuing financial success, family success, relationship success, and we go after it with a certain amount of gusto - fine. Nothing wrong with that, in itself. But if we're going after success (however we have defined that for ourselves) with reckless abandon, just grabbing what we can, as much as we can, without regard for anyone other than ourselves, we've reduced ourselves to playing Hungry Hungry Hippos with our lives.
If someone else winds up with greater success in an area of life than we have, have we failed? No.
We need to be content with what God has given us [Philippians 4:11-12], and trust that He will meet all of our real needs [Philippians 4:19]. 
Sometimes, easier said than done. But that's why we can go to God in prayer literally any time at all. He's always there to listen and to help.
Maybe the things we've been hungry for aren't what's best for us, anyway.


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