New Old Songs or Old New Songs

Have you ever listened to a CD (tape, record, 8-track, iTunes list, stone tablet) that you've had for quite a while, and maybe listened to countless times, and "discovered" a song?
It just jumps out at you, and you could swear you've never heard it before.
Two songs did that for me today. I was listening to "Alien Youth", an earlier album from Christian/crossover mega-group Skillet. My son and I had previously agreed that "You are My Hope" was the only song we both really liked from that album. 
But then I heard "Will You Be There? (Falling Down)", followed by "Come My Way", and I thought, "Wow! Where have these two songs been hiding?"
I'm not sure why I never noticed them before. Maybe it's like when you see a beautiful woman across the room and she takes your breath away, and you find out later you've seen her a dozen times before. For some reason you did not notice until just that moment. It's a special moment.
Here are snippets from the lyrics of each song, plus a link to a video for each that shows the lyrics as the song plays.
I have mentioned I'm somewhat obsessive when I really enjoy a song or disc, so I'll probably be listening to these quite a bit in the near future. Just a warning to anyone riding or living with me (sorry, son). 

Will You Be There? [Falling Down]
When I'm in retreat, can I run to You?
Will my pain release at Your mercy seat?
Will You be there as I grow cold?
Will You be there when I'm falling down?
... Are You saying yes? I gotta believe it.
Are You saying yeah?

Come My Way
Hundreds come from everywhere
Just to see Your face and touch the Healer's hand
Desperate, I push through the crowd
If I could touch Your clothes, I could feel Your power
Come my way
Please look and notice me
Just to release my pain
Just to know Your name
... Come my way, just a touch

I sincerely hope you get as much of a blessing from them as I am getting.


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