Single Awareness Day [S.A.D.]

Just because today (Feb. 14) is "Single Awareness Day", does that mean it's "sad"? Sure, the acronym for Single Awareness Day is "S.A.D.", but, come on. 
If we called it by its less-popular and more obscure name, "Valentine's Day" (I mean, who ever heard of that name for this 'holiday'?), does that mean the day would be "V.D."? I don't think so.
Or even necessarily happy, just because it's a different name.
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet," said Juliet Capulet, to some guy named Roman, or something. Verily, 'tis true, I say. 
A dead skunk by any other name would still stink to high heaven. 
So what does it matter what moniker we bestow upon the day at hand? Naught, I persist in attesting. It matters naught. 
Therefore, I will not call the day "Valentine's Day" just because I am a history buff (trust me, check out my history biceps), and at least two men by the name "Valentine" were martyred many centuries ago. 
I will not call the day "Valentine's Day" simply because Wal-Mart and Hallmark got together with Chinese candy-making companies and created a holiday craftily designed to generate more income for child laborers (it's true ... I saw it on the World Wide Inter-web). 
I will call it "Single Awareness Day", because I am soon to be legally single (and already am, for all practical purposes, I suppose), and because I am quite aware of it.
But, sadly, I cannot call for all singles to unite, because if we united, we wouldn't be single, would we? We be United - one. 
So, Singles ... uh ... stay ... divided! (?)
No, that didn't sound right.
Anyway, happy SINGLE AWARENESS DAY to all my single friends!
And to those of you who are not single and are celebrating another holiday, I simply wish you a Happy Hanukkah!


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