Getting Ready for Church

I once had a preacher friend who would get so angry on Sunday mornings before services.
He would get up early, study some more, and be dressed and ready to go before his wife and two children were even awake. Then, he would get aggravated with them for not being ready to go when he was ready to leave, and would often lose his temper over the kids' rambunctiousness (?) and difficulty in getting them ready to go. He would not leave without them, even though they lived directly across the street from the church building, because a pastor should arrive with his family, as a loving, healthy unit. But by the time they arrived at church, he was usually upset, and so were the rest of the family.
What should one conclude from the repeated, weekly troubles this pastor & family had?
[1] That the pastor should get some help with anger issues and patience?
[2] That the wife and children should get up earlier on Sunday mornings?
[3] That the children should be more obedient?
Or ...
[4] That organized church was the real problem, since they never had this trouble on weekday mornings before school (the kids were home-schooled).

Well, you guessed it. Preacher S decided organized church was the real problem, quit his pastoring job, and wrote a book on the dangers of organized churches, arguing that home churches were God's perfect plan.

Now, I have nothing against (absolutely nothing) home churches. I think they are great, as a rule, just as 'organized' churches are great, as a rule. There are always exceptions to both. But to blame the church because your family can't get ready?
It's blame something else for your problems.
Which is the real condition of fallen, sinful humanity in the first place, isn't it?
The woman gave it to me!
The snake told me to eat it, so I did!
But what did God say?
If we focused on the Lord instead of our situations, things would be better for us all.
Something I need to remember all day, every day.


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