I Love Movies that Break My Heart

Why do I like watching sad movies so much? 
This is not a new phenomenon for me - I've liked sad movies for most of my life. So, I can't say it has anything particularly to do with whatever current circumstances I'm experiencing. 
Stories of loss, near loss, pain, betrayal, and broken hearts seem to resonate somehow with me. They stick with me - if not the story itself, at least parts of it.
I know I can relate to some of it - we all can, in some respect.
But I love the glimpses of hope I see in so many sad stories.
Even when a character expresses that no hope exists, the very confession of lost hope (or unrecognized chances) displays the truth that hope is what we reach for as humans. Hope is what gives us purpose, gives us life.
For the believer in Christ, that hope is placed in the Person of Jesus. We hope because of what we know to be true. God has never failed to keep any promise He has ever made. Therefore, we know that Jesus will actually return one day for those who love Him, for those He calls His own. This is our hope - the hope of resurrection, of new physical/spiritual life.
Hope never disappoints, when it is placed in something worth hoping for - or in Someone.
The sad movie I just finished watching involves two characters who go to great lengths to forget one another, and the relationship they once had. They begin to do this because they have grown tired of and frustrated with one another, but also because it hurts so much to have lost the other. So they want to forget.
At one point, knowing they will soon be permanent parts of the other's (forgotten) past, the woman turns to her former love and says, "This is it ... it's going to be gone soon." I know, he replies. "What do we do?" Enjoy it.
This is hope. They are not hoping beyond the moment, just exercising their love based on the hope of enjoying what time they have left together.

For a couple of reasons, the following dialogue from the same movie makes me smile and brings tears to my eyes:
    "I'm just a [messed up] girl, looking for my own piece of mind. I'm not perfect."
    I can't see anything I don't like about you.
    "But you will - you will think of things, and I'll get bored with you and feel trapped, 
       because that's what happens with me."
    [Smiling] "Okay."

It makes me smile, because they're deciding to take a chance, even though rough times inevitably lie ahead.
It makes me sad, because I've had relationships end, and because some persons have not wanted to begin a relationship with me for these very reasons.

Alas, this is, as 'they' say, and as I find myself saying so often, simply life.
It is ... what it is.

So, I'll smile and enjoy the movies that bring tears to my eyes ... and watch them again.


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