My Girl(s)

What a cute child!! 
Not mine.
I debate at times whether to share the names of my children and/or their photos. I tend to be pretty private about that. If you know me personally, you've more than likely met my kids and know their names, or at least have seen my updates on Facebook that pertain to them. 
I don't particularly like to advertise my kids' names on the back of my vehicle, etc., even though I want them to know I'm proud of them and their accomplishments. I have written, "Congrats, [Child's Name]!" on my windows, have worn t-shirts with a child's name on it and their ball team's, and will likely do so again in the future, but ... I dunno. Online? 
Timid about it.
Anyway ... the point was my children.
My oldest son is in college, but I will get to see him when he comes to visit me (that's the plan, anyway) the week after Easter! I'm really looking forward to his visit!
My youngest son lives with me, so I thankfully get to see him every day.
My two daughters live with their mother (about a 6-hour drive away), so I don't get to see them often. I had them for about a week at Christmas, and got to visit one day with them at the end of January, but it's been 7 weeks now since I've seen them in person.
Skype is great, but not enough.
But tomorrow, I get to pick them up (about 1/2-way between here and their home) and bring them back to my house for one week!!!! Yay!!!!
I'm so excited about it! 
Can't wait to see my girls!!!!!!! 


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