Good Friday

Spending a week with your children, when you don't get to see them every week, reminds you of certain things you have taken for granted. 
Like silence.

But one of the greatest sounds in the world that I know is the sound of my children's voices - their laughter, their "I love you, Daddy" comments, and all the noise they make! 
They're spending the day today with 4/5 of their cousins on my side of the family, as I go to work. 

Today is Good Friday. It is so very good!

I asked my youngest daughter this morning if she knew what was going to make this day a very good day. She thought for a minute, and answered, "My attitude?"
I was very happy with that answer! And she is so very right. 
But other things that will make this day good for me include:
* knowing my children are safe and well
* knowing that all my yesterdays are over
* knowing that tomorrow hasn't come yet, and so I don't need to worry about it
* knowing someone loves me
* knowing Jesus died for ME
* knowing Jesus didn't stay dead!

Tonight we'll share a meal with my parents and my sister-and-family. Then we will celebrate the Lord's Supper and the meaning of Good Friday at a special service at Church Arise.
Then, I, my kiddos and one of their friends will quote most of the dialogue from Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail as it needlessly plays on the TV in my living room, and scarf popcorn and soft drinks. 
I'm looking forward to the day!

Thank You, Jesus, for coming to this world as a man (100% God, 100% man) to live for me, to die for me, to rise again for me, and then to come for me again one day soon!!!!!
Though my love for You can never compare, I love You with all I am!


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