These Light Momentary Afflictions

Well, this is day ... whatever ... in our process of divorce. I've been counseled to write more in this season of my life, in order to both process my own thoughts and feelings and to possibly help someone else in their own struggles.
Let me be completely honest here. It seems almost counter-productive to me to attempt to be a help to anyone else while I am in the midst of the valley myself.
That being said, I have had many long conversations with people who are going through the same things. We are somewhat of an encouragement to one another, it would seem. It's encouraging, at the very least, to be reminded we are not alone in our struggles.
These light momentary afflictions, the Apostle Paul called them.
What is my depression compared to the suffering of Christ?
Though never depressed, Jesus understood sorrow, grief, and longing.
Jesus cried out to God the Father, praying in the garden of Gethsemane, and asked if there were some other way to accomplish the will of God without further suffering on Jesus' part. Knowing there was not, Jesus - fully God and fully man - obeyed completely, and suffered unimaginable pain ... for me.
What is my anxiety compared to the suffering of Christ?
Though never trapped by anxiety, Jesus understood worry.
He commanded us not to worry about anything, but simply to trust God to provide. This is so very hard to do, on pretty much any day. But God has never failed me! God has always provided, and always loved!
What is my loneliness compared to the suffering of Christ?
Though I don't subscribe to the idea that God the Father abandoned Jesus while He was on the cross (as so many Bible teachers and Christians seem to think), Jesus understood loneliness.
With virtually all of His followers abandoning Him at the first sign of anything but comfort, with no place to call His own to lay His head, with one of His inner circle a thief and betrayer - Jesus understood what it is like to feel alone.
I am not alone, really. But the feelings of loneliness come, nonetheless.
I know that I am loved, and I can list so many people who love me.
I know that I am cared for, and could have help in so many ways at my door within hours (or less), if I called certain people - and there are quite a few.
God has been so very good!
But it is simply hard to ask for help, even for someone who has been so humbled.
It's hard to admit the kind of help you need when you struggle with the things I've mentioned.
But God knows, and my brothers and my sisters in Christ need to know my struggles, if they are going to be able to help me.
Thank You, Lord, for who You are, and for Your people You have sent to me to build me up, to help me in so many ways, to love me as I am.


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