Today is Sunday

Today is Sunday, and I've been to only two church services and one Bible study class. It's usually two classes, and sometimes a third service.
Sitting here now, in my chair in my room, typing away on this blog, and Skype-texting my son at the same time. Yeah, I know it's not really called "Skype-texting", but who cares?
Had a pretty good week this past week.
Took my other son to see Underoath in concert in Houston (bought tickets months ago, before moving to Mississippi), on their final (now completed) tour. Then we visited for a day with my daughters and college-age son (the Skype-ee above), before coming back to MS with another truck load of stuff.
God has been good to us!
Most of the time, now, I feel there is hope for the days ahead. The despair in my depression has lifted a great deal, and I'm learning to cope with the "issues".
Some doors are closed, locked, and keys discarded ... I won't be going back those ways, again.
Other doors are closed, locked, and I haven't found the keys to them, yet, to open them up for tomorrow. Maybe when tomorrow gets here ...
I don't really know where God is taking me in my life, but I know He will always be with me.
My heart feels torn in so many directions, but I'm trying not to be guided by my feelings. My head needs to be guided by God's Spirit, and not by my fickle, flip-flop feelings. Emotions betray us, are unfaithful, illogical, and undependable.
If I depend upon emotions to love someone, I will never love the homeless person or the murderer or the cashier or my next-door neighbor, unless I'm feeling particularly loving at that moment.
If I depend upon my emotions, I will find myself in a deep hole, surrounded by no one and nothing but despair, hopelessness, and chaos.
So I choose to depend on Christ, instead. I'll depend upon His Word, His Spirit, His guidance to live my life.
As my pastor/brother-in-law said this morning, I will claim my mountain that God has promised me (see Caleb, age 85) and not fear what lies ahead. I will step into the raging waters of the Jordan River before me, and not be surprised when God stops it and I cross on dry ground.
No muddy feet for me ... only dirt.
What God has promised, God will do.
The "prosperity" of the Gospel is that we have all things in Christ, and God will give us anything we need - based on HIS assessment of the need, and in His perfect timing and manner.
So, thank You, Lord, for today, when I hear Your voice.
Thank You for this Sunday.


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