Today's Grace, March 21, 2016

Hands, wrists, arms, feet, ankles - 8 digging probes before I lost count, though feet and ankles were spared the needles.
Three nurses at once, each on a different limb, tourniquets on each, tapping, probing, sticking, wiping, shaving, twisting, apologizing.
They were attempting to start an IV for my scheduled GI scope.
Once, with a 12 penny nail being inserted into my right wrist just below the thumb, a swarm of angry bees attacked the back of my left hand.
I could never survive torture. I'm not sure a tattoo is even a possibility.
Then, with my hand shaking and blurry vision, I signed something similar to my name on two forms, giving the surgeon permission to attempt to insert a central line in my jugular.
After 20-plus painful and frightening minutes, the surgeon patted my leg and said, "Sorry, chief". Nothing else to try. No procedure today. Other than this, of course.
I now think I know what it's like to be simultaneously choked and stabbed in the throat repeatedly. From the inside out.
I didn't like it.
Last week, I felt like I'd been beaten in my stomach and back, and tossed aside. I was exhausted and sore.
All in all, not a pleasant experience.
Today is the day after Palm Sunday.

Jesus experienced beatings so severe ... my sore abdomen and muscles are so much less.
Crowned with nail-like thorns ... each one probably feeling like a 12 penny nail.
And instead of needle marks on His wrists, He had nails driven through them. Through His wrists and through His feet.
I was pleading with God for it all to end. To just be over.
Jesus prayed for it to pass before the physical torture began. But He embraced His Father's will.
Jesus willingly gave all for me.
I don't agree with the songs that - as beautiful as they are - say Jesus would die all over again, just for me. I think it's needless conjecture. Once and done. Jesus died once, for all. If you see the songs as just stressing God's love, that's fine with me.
Thank You, Lord, for my painful reminder.
For perspective.


  1. I am sorry for your suffering, but I am glad you were able to put a positive message out there because of it. Well-said. I am praying for you.


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