The Day After the 2012 Presidential Elections

Though I used to be registered as a Republican, I have been an Independent for many years now.
I have done my best to vote in a way that supports the candidate I believe will do his or her best to do the job for which they are running for the true long-term benefit of the people.
Many times, unfortunately, that choice has been for the lesser of two weevils. Or evils. Whatever.
I say the same thing today I always have said - no matter for whom you voted (or even if you refused to vote for any reason), the person elected to the office of President of the United States is the president of every American citizen, no matter if you don't like him or her.
PRAY for them.
Pray NOT that God will remove them from office and let another replace them. Or, if you do, do not let that be your only prayer.
Pray that God will use the President to accomplish God's purposes, even if the president is wholly opposed to the things the Bible tells us are godly.
Pray for the president!

It breaks my heart - I'm tearful as I write this - that people are focused today on some of the same issues that have haunted the U.S. for far too long.
* Some claim that if you voted FOR ROMNEY you are racist because you voted AGAINST OBAMA.
* Some claim that if you voted FOR OBAMA you are racist because you voted AGAINST ROMNEY.
If YOU VOTED because of RACE, shame on you! May God convict you for the sin of judging someone based upon their skin color or ethnicity.
Well "those people" are ... stop it!! Heaven will be filled with people from all tongues and tribes - so you may as well get used to "those people" now.

* Some claim that a person can and will do a better job of being an elected official because he or she:
- is openly homosexual/gay [how does this make someone a better person?]
- is of a certain ethnicity [how does this make someone a better person?]
- is of a certain economic background [how does this make someone a better person?]
- is openly supportive of gay marriage and abortion, and against the military personnel who have won and protect America's freedom [how does this make someone a better person?]

* Some claim that a person can and will do a better job of being an elected official because he or she:
- is openly heterosexual (straight)
- is not of a certain ethnicity
- is not of a certain economic background
- is openly supportive of traditional marriage, pro-life, and for military personnel
How do any of these things guarantee that a person will do a better job?

The truth is, none of these things guarantee anything.
But we base our votes on who we are - and what we want to see accomplished in America's political arena.

People who bash Obama today for being reelected are missing the point - to paraphrase Obama's own words, if he was elected president, he didn't do that! The voters of America did.
If you wanted someone other than Obama to be president, did you vote? If you did, congratulations! You did your civic duty, and let your voice be counted. Now pray for OUR president. If you didn't, quit griping, because it's your own fault you didn't vote. Now pray for OUR president.

People who bash Romney today for not getting elected are also missing the point - you are not a better or worse person because you voted for or against someone.
Your actions betray your heart.
Jesus said to love our brothers and sisters in Christ - we are all the same family, the same body, the sons and daughters of God, the Bride of Christ.
Jesus said to love our enemies - and everyone who is not part of God's family is an enemy of God [it's scriptural!]. Love them anyway.
Jesus said there is no greater love a man can show than to die for his friends.
Then Jesus died for both His friends and His enemies.
Top that!

Pray for America. Pray for the President and every other elected official.
Let's move forward, for the sake of Christ.

2 Chronicles 7:14

P.S. And another thing ...
If everything wrong in the past 4 years has been the former president's fault (not the fault of the current president), why is it that everything during that former president's terms was his own fault (not the fault of the previous president, too)?
If everything wrong in the past 4 years has been the current president's fault, why is it that nothing during the previous president's terms was his fault?
It can't be both ways, people!
Some things during EVERY president's term(s) of office are HIS FAULT - others are NOT. It's just that simple. Be realistic, please.


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