
I have always been fascinated by maps. I am especially fascinated by maps of places I know.
For instance, my family lived in Corinth, MS, when I was very young, just a couple of blocks away from Ft. Robinette (Battery Robinette at the time). This map shows the Civil War battle that took place there:

Steve StanleyDid I also mention I'm a history buff? Here's another map, of the Battle of Shiloh, which took place not far from Corinth:

I like to know where I am, where I've been, and where I'm going.
When I'm driving, I like to know where I am in relation to other places - in town, other towns, other roads, etc. I like to know where I am. In case I get lost. Then I won't be lost.
Because I'll know where I am.
From about the age of 7 until a few years later, I only knew where we had been when we went on trips. We had a 1977 Chevy Impala station wagon, and I usually sat in the back seat, which faced ... backward.
So I saw where we had been moments before. It was like looking into the past!
No, not really.
God has a plan for my life - a map, if you will (even if you won't, really).
He knows exactly where I am, where I've been, and where I'm going.
And I'm glad He does.
Because sometimes ... I don't.
I feel lost (not spiritually - Jesus saved me once for all!), like I am shipwrecked on a deserted island, or - worse still - floating on a piece of wreckage in a raging sea not knowing anything good.
But I'm not.
Because He's right there with me - He knows where I am, and where He's taking me.
Thank God!


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