Computer "Help"

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it (extremely) aggravating when you encounter a tech problem with your PC that you aren't sure what to do about, and Google for help with the issue?

I repeatedly find questions and "answers" like this:

Q:  I need help! I've locked myself out of my laptop and can't log in. I can't remember my user password. I'm the only user, and it's the administrator account. What do I do?

A: Chosen as best by users. Reboot, then log in with your administrator password. Then reset the password for the user account. Hope this helps!

Q: No, you don't understand. The account I can't remember the password for IS the Administrator account! I can't log in because I can't get into that account.

A: Reboot, holding down the F8 key. Then log in to your administrator account and reset your password. Hope this helps!

Q: No, it's not helping! I've tried that. It's the ONLY account I have!!!!!! Somebody ELSE please help???

A: Okay. Sorry. Get someone else with an administrator account on your laptop to log in, then you can log into your account and reset the password. Hope this helps!

Q: Could I please have the physical address of where you are at this moment, and an accurate description of what you look like, and are wearing?

A: ..... why?

Q: Oh, so I can THANK you for all the great HELP you've been providing!!!!!!!

A: Ah, ok! I'm at the Starbucks on the corner.


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