
Tuesday, June 2, 2015, 7:55 p.m. CST

Because I am so very tired already of hearing about Mr. Bruce Jenner becoming Ms. Caitlyn Jenner, I decided to do a Google search of “Caitlyn Jenner”, just to see how many results would come up.
The answer? “About 19,800,000 results”.
And the first result, next to a photo of the Vanity Fair cover of the transformed person in question, entitled “Call me Caitlyn”, was “Why are we really interested in Caitlyn Jenner?”, an article on CNN from the current day, by Peggy Drexler.
The article says, in part:
“... let's also be honest: Are we praising her for her courage to be her? Are we praising her bravery as a human – or as a celebrity? Or are we, well, sensationalizing?”
“It is … an acknowledgment of a transition that is likely only marginally representative of those experienced by most in the transgender community. It's also a transition that has centered very heavily on her looks, making her story of transition nearly impossible to separate from its physical manifestation.”
“Indeed, most stories about the cover photo could not help but include glowing reports of Jenner's white, satiny corset and long, brunette locks. But, then, I guess, what else is new when it comes to media representations of women. It's all about what she's wearing and how good her skin looks, isn't it?”

I understand people wanting to know about a person who is already in the public eye, especially an athlete as beloved as Bruce Jenner has been to so many.
I understand people wanting to show support, solidarity, etc., to such a public person who is undergoing a major life change of any kind.
What I keep shaking my head about is not the fascination with Jenner or his/her “gender identification”.
Rarely has a society celebrated homosexuality or any of its kindred concerns/issues like gender identity and gender confusion, etc., like ours today.
It is not that heterosexuality is the norm, and therefore must be mandated.
No one is to live according to human standards, no matter what they are.
We are all commanded to live according to God's standards – and these are only obtainable through a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ as Savior.

Does God love Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner? You better believe He does. Jesus gave His life willingly on the cross because He loved B/C Jenner. He did it because He loved me, too, and because I, too, needed salvation. I was not good enough on my own to be His child. But He reached out in love to me and is still working in me to make me what He wants me to be – like Him.
This is what He wants for Jenner, too, and for you.
As we have read and watched and talked about Bruce-lyn, have we taken the time to pray for him, too?


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