
I have been guilty.
Guilty of allowing my defensiveness and indignation to keep me from making a full effort to understand the pain of others.
And I was blind to my guilt.
For these things, I am truly sorrowful and repentant.
I feel so frustrated that my friends and neighbors don't understand one another, and I don't do a great job understanding or explaining, myself.
I feel frustrated between a white cop friend and a black friend whose comments show they each don't understand where the other is coming from. I feel the same with friends on opposing sides of the issue of gay marriage, or who they hate more in the presidential race.
And I don't always keep my mouth shut, unfortunately.
But Jesus said His followers would be distinctly identified by their love for one another. And it's a love that is born of God's love for us, and spills out of loving Him first and others second.
May God, the Author of life and love and peace, mercifully pour out all these things on our nation.
Starting with you and me.


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