Because of this sin

My sin.
It's very personal, because it is mine.
It's usually private, because I know that it is sin.
It's the one sin I try to justify in my mind and spirit, so I won't hurt so much.
It's the one sin I try to expose and rail against so maybe I can be free from it.
It's the one whose temptations never seem to leave me.
It's the sin I fear the most.

Your sin.
Yours should be exposed and dealt with.
Your sin will find you out!

But my sin ...
I hope it never catches up to me.
I hope I don't hurt others with it.

My nasty pet in the corner.
Sometimes I play with it.
Sometimes it disgusts me.
So I throw it out.
Then realize later I've let it back in.

Oh, God, help me, forgive me, free me.
I need You.
Because of this sin.
Because it is mine.
Because it is sin.


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