Weep Deep, then ...

I have done what Piper suggests.
I have wept and laid out regrets.
I have mourned the deaths of loves and dreams,
And the time I've wasted in meaningless things.
My sobs have racked me and my head I've hung,
Hoping for the final note of that song to be sung.

So now I must rise, and wash my face.
Take a deep breath, and welcome grace.
Live where I am with what I have,
Content with His gifts, though they're not what I ask.
This life I have is all that exists
With which to serve Him,
It is what it is.

So I'll trust You.
Not just in words but in steps.
Drag me from this funk.
Your life in my breast.
Open my eyes when I don't want to see.
And thank You, Father,
For not giving up on me.


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