Moving, and God is Good

Well, today is my last day in my current ("old") address. Just my younger son and me here today. My girls have been at their grandparents' house for a few days now, and their mom and our oldest son went over there this morning. I've been taking care of 'last-minute' things, boxing up more stuff, etc., and my son & I will go over there for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I'll leave from there to move. It's bittersweet. I'll be moving to be with my family in Mississippi, so I'm actually happy about that. I should have a job with little or no problem soon after my arrival there. I won't have to lead a church for a while, at least, and can just go to church with family & friends. But I won't be here. I will be 330 miles from my two lovely daughters and my two strong sons. I will be just steps away from my wonderful parents, and my darling sister and her family, and only about 60 miles from my older "little" brother and ...