Today's News

On various news websites today:

First, a few political links:

[1] Yahoo! News - Daily Caller, "Joe Biden and Paul Ryan slip, plus Donald Trump on Iran: The dumbest political quotes of the week"

The article reads, in part, "Biden made two big uh-ohs Wednesday during a campaign stop in Virginia, which is not the same thing as North Carolina. 'With you, we can win North Carolina again!' Biden told the Virginia crowd."

[2] CNN - "Bakery Owner Refuses Biden Visit"

[3] ABC - "Caterer at Obama Iowa Event Wears Pro-Romney Shirt"

[4] Finally, from the every-trustworthy Weekly World News - "Bat Boy to be Romney's VP"

Now a few links for fun:
[1] "Lamborghini's $2.2 million Sesto Elemento Supercar"

[2] "The 40 Best Cartoon Characters of All Time"
I guess that depends on your perspective (and I am curious as to if you agree with this list). And yes, I noticed, too, that the link says "50" instead of 40.

[3] "Why Laughing at Yourself May Be Good for You - First-Ever Study"

[4] Singer/Comedian Mark Lowry's "Recovering Fundamentalist"

[5] Hidden Camera Show - Fortune Teller Gives Bad News

PLEASE let me know if these links don't work.
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