Historic SBC President Election

I'm so delighted that Dr. David Crosby, pastor of FBC, New Orleans, nominated, and that the messengers unanimously elected, Dr. Fred Luter of Franklin Ave. Baptist Church, New Orleans, our new SBC president!

I remember Dr. Luter (Bro. Fred) visiting the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary while I was a student there. He was so approachable, down-to-earth, friendly, and challenging to us. I have had the privilege of interacting with him on a few occasions, and have always enjoyed his preaching.

I also remember the very first associational minister's prayer breakfast I attended. It was several years ago, and I was a new minister in the area. I arrived at the building and entered, to find only 2 other pastors and the director of missions for our association. I was a young man, and they were all 60-70.

In the course of drinking coffee (and ignoring the mints that were apparently the "breakfast" portion) and keeping my mouth shut as I listened to this older group of experienced ministers talk about ministry, I perked up as they began to discuss the upcoming Southern Baptist Convention meeting, to be held in New Orleans, LA.

They began to talk about who would be speaking (many of whom they knew personally) and leading, and discussion turned to Dr. Luter, and the possibility of him speaking at some point during the Convention. One of these ministers, himself a "Dr.", said the following, and I QUOTE from memory:

"I don't know if I want to see a n*gger get up and prance about on the stage and hoot and holler."

Wha ...?

My mouth fell open. The other two men didn't object - our DOM even agreed with him vigorously ["Black people just do things differ'ntly", I often heard him say], and the other minister just sat there.

I got angry. Having said nearly nothing to this point, I said, "Excuse me." They all turned to me.

"Do you know Dr. Luter personally? Have you ever heard him preach?" No, was the answer from each of them, to each question.

"Then how do you know what he's going to do?" No answer.

"I know Dr. Luter personally, and he is a godly man, and a great preacher. I think everyone will be blessed by anything he has to say."

At this point they all began to agree energetically, and assured me I had misunderstood the comment.

How do you misunderstand THAT?

We never did pray, or have breakfast. O for 2.

I would have liked to see their faces when Dr. Luter was elected OUR SBC president!!

Thank God most people aren't like that.


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