Does the New Testament Address Homosexuality? [Sin is Sin]

Leviticus is part of God's Word. The book is part of the Books of Moses (the Pentateuch, the Torah), and is literally entitled "And He called". The Greeks named it Leuitikos, meaning "relating to the Levites", and thus it came into English as "Leviticus". This book addresses more than the Levites (Israel's priestly clan), however, expanding to all the Israelites, at times. The book's instructions emphasize ritual, legal, and moral practices more so than doctrines or beliefs. The purpose of the book is to emphasize God's desire for humans to live in a right relationship with Him. In regards to the issue of homosexuality, Leviticus chapter 18 has been quoted liberally - by "both sides" of the issue. Those opposing homosexuality/LGBT have stressed that verse 22 specifically forbids men having sex with men. Supporters of homosexuality/LGBT stress that other verses in the book forbid wearing clothes made of two different types of mater...