Once Bitten [Days 1-4]

My German Shepherd-mutt mix bit me once, when I was stupid enough to try to move something over in his food bowl so I could add more. It was really just enough to hurt. I've been nipped by several dogs over the years, and one pregnant dachshund even took a plug out of my thumb.
I've been bitten by a couple of non-venomous snakes, their teeth dragging across my skin like a serrated knife, but doing little damage. 
But this past Tuesday, I was bitten by something else altogether.
Around 4:30, I started feeling nauseated (not nauseous) and a little light-heated, but didn't think too much of it. I left work 30 minutes later and soon found myself on the side of the road with a dead battery and a dead alternator. With my dad's assistance, I stood in the pouring rain for several minutes trying to get the battery charged enough to get my vehicle home. Sitting in his car, I was shivering and didn't feel so good.
When I made it to my fiancee's house, I was miserable. I rode with her to AutoZone, Piggly Wiggly, Sonic, and Wal-Mart. I stayed in the car most of that time, with almost no energy, fever all over, and feeling worse. Around 8:00 or so, I noticed my arm was really hurting. A quick glance showed what had to be a bite of some kind, and it did not look pretty. 
On the front of my left bicep, a spot about 4" in diameter had formed. I noticed I was breaking out in hives on various parts of my body, too. So, I did what a lot of us do -- I said, I'll be fine. I just need to lie down.
After being helped to bed, and having taken a few Naproxin and Benadryl, I passed out.
My sons and fiancee' stayed close by, keeping watch over me. The next morning, we ate something and headed to the doctor.
Yes, it was a bite, from a venomous spider - the bite marks were still visible. Considering my symptoms and the look of the bite, it was most likely the work of a Black Widow. 
I started my antibiotics as soon as the prescription was filled, and continued to take meds for fever, itching, and nausea as needed. I applied hydrocortisone 2%, or Triple Antiobiotic ointment with pain relief, or even Boudreaux's Butt Paste topically to aid in fever reduction, stopping itch, etc. 
Both my fiancee' and I have taken several photos of the area. By the way, so did a lot of people with whom I work. They were grossly fascinated. 
Today is Saturday, about 80 hours after having been bitten. 
I slept fitfully, and finally gave up trying. 
My arm hurts very much, and a blister over the bite punctures - which started out yesterday about the size of a match head - has now grown to the size of a disgusting-looking jelly bean. I still have a rash over a lot of my body, and the nausea is almost unrelenting. 
Have you ever had a stomach virus or something similar, and were so nauseated you wished you would just go ahead and puke your guts out so it would be over? Yeah. That's about how I feel. No matter what I eat, I feel the same. If I don't eat something every once in a while, I feel worse. 
Reading things Online about other people's experience with spider bites doesn't help, so I quit doing that.
I did find out that, while my reaction to the bite is not the mildest I've seen, it is far from the worst. 
I found out that full-grown deer have died from a single black widow bite. 
I found out that the venom of a black widow is more potent than that of a rattlesnake, but not as much is injected per bite. 
I lost a good bit of weight a couple of years ago - almost 50 pounds. I'm now only 10 pounds less than what I weighed when I started losing weight. You do the math. 
I am profoundly grateful for the extra weight at this time, however, because if I had been my target weight, I don't know how badly this would have affected me. 
I know you can't tell from reading this, but it has taken me a while to write this. I keep stopping to adjust my arm and rub the area around the bite site. 
I don't know how long this will take to heal. I've read that nausea can last 4 days after being bitten (I hope that's all, since that would be today) or two weeks (oh, I hope not). The blister can continue to grow and stick around for a couple of weeks. If it pops, I'll have to be extremely careful not to let infection set in. 
The rash on my arms that almost disappeared on Thursday is back with a vengeance on my stomach and arms today, and is even on the palms of my hands. 
Prayers are appreciated. 
I am trying to document some of this weird journey for my own sake. Maybe it'll be beneficial to someone else, too.
Below are some photos, if you're that interested. For those who are not, I'll put a lot of space after this last paragraph before them. Thanks.

Day One
Day Two:

Day Three: 

Day Four:


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