Once Bitten [Day 5]

Turns out I have had a bad reaction to the low-dosage antibiotic I was given on day 2. A couple of hours in the ER got me an in-line steroid and Benadryl to counter it, and an Rx for a new antibiotic - one I've had before.
The ER doc confirmed it's a spider bite, and a bad one. He said I definitely drew the short end of the stick on that. Could've been a brown recluse, instead of a wid-der. 
I have fasciitis from the bite - a blister that continues to expand. It was noticeably larger when I left the ER than when I got there. It'll pop at some point, and I'll have to be very careful not to let it get infected. 
I have a large circle of necrotic tissue from the bite, also. In a couple of weeks I will need to see a wound specialist/surgeon to deal with excising it. 
I'm blessed. Could have been much worse. Could have been in a worse spot. Could have been my child or one of my parents. 
I have been the healthiest fat person I know, for the most part. 
My arthritis & such are from old injuries. My migraines come rather seldom. 
If I were diabetic, I'd be in much worse shape. 
God IS good, ALL the time. No matter what. 
I wonder, if the Fall had not taken place, would spiders even bother humans? Would humans be scared of them? Probably not. 
That means this bite is a natural consequence of the fallen condition of this world. And let's be clear - the consequences of sin are painful. 
Jesus compared hell to Gehenna, where the fire burns continuously and the consuming worms never go away. 
My reddened skin is hot with fever like a bad sunburn. The flesh on my bicep is dying. Yet this is so very minor. 
I cannot fathom what hell will be like. 
I'm glad I will never personally know. 
I hope the scar from this ordeal causes me to keep in mind how much others need to never personally know, either. 
If we who know the truth are not evangelists of the Good News, who will be?

P.S. Talk of scars reminds me of the song "Beautiful Scars", by Disciple. I cannot hear the song without worshipping, usually as the tears stream down my face. It's worth a listen. 


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