New Life

Jesus came to give us new life, according to the New Testament, and to give us that life "abundantly".
Every day that I live is the only day I have (same for you, by the way). Yesterday is irrevocably gone, never to be even partially retrieved. Tomorrow will never come (by the time the next day arrives, it's "today") [some restaurants promise "free food tomorrow"], so I can't mess it up or attempt to redeem it.
So my new life not only applies to eternity, as a born-again follower of Christ, but to today - right now.
The life I am living at this very moment was promised to be "abundant".
So ...
Does this mean that every moment of my life will be marvelous, in the sense of having abundant wealth, health, and everything else? Of course not. That's just absurd, according to reality. No "health and wealth" gospel for me.
Or ...
Does this mean that the moment I have, the moment I am in, already IS abundant?
Maybe I'm supposed to realize that this very moment that Jesus died to make my life abundant in is already far better than it could have been or would have been without Jesus?
I'm not really talking about circumstances. Many things in my life are not what I would like for them to be. But Paul wrote that he had learned to be content no matter what his circumstances. This is abundant life -- life of blessing, life of realized blessings -- understanding that I am blessed by being the child of God, co-heir with Christ Jesus.


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