Christian Metal

Okay, here's the perennial question: Is there such a thing as "Christian" metal music?
It's usually asked as: Is there such a thing as "Christian" rock music?
We could also ask: Is there any such thing as "Christian" music, period?

The answer is .... YES. Most things are simply amoral - neither moral (good) nor immoral (bad) in essence. Take, for example, a tennis racket. When used for tennis, it accomplishes its purpose - therefore, it is "good" (moral). When used to attack an innocent passer-by, it becomes an instrument of ill purpose, and can therefore be called "bad" (immoral). 

Now, of course, one must differentiate the actions and intents of the tennis racket from the person holding it.
Did the tennis racket initiate the conflict, or cause the hand to move upon its handle? No. It can therefore be argued to still be amoral - neither good nor bad. The hand holding it, however, did cause the racket to be used as a weapon. The intent and action of the hand (and its consequent owner) can then be called "bad" (immoral). 

Now, transferring the idea to music - are the notes and instruments immoral? Of course not. They lack morality.  They are simply instruments (literally) of those wielding them. 

If the intents of the people composing and performing the music are to praise the Lord, then God will be praised! It doesn't matter if only the performers enjoy it and understand it - God can be praised. 
The larger intent of music is to be performed for others - and therefore lead them in praise, conversation with God, conversation about God, etc. If any of these things is being accomplished, the music can be called (in my estimation) "Christian". 

"Amazing Grace" was written by John Newton, a born-again believer [yes, he used to be lost - just like every other born-again believer!].
If a born-again Christian sings "Amazing Grace", with love in his/her heart toward God and others, we know the song is a Christian song.
If a person who is lost sings "Amazing Grace", with curiosity or no understanding in his/her heart, the song can still be considered Christian because God may be using it to speak to that person.
If a person who is a satanist sings "Amazing Grace", with hatred in his/her heart toward God ("if one exists") and toward others, does the song cease to be Christian because an anti-Christian is using it in mockery?
Actually, no. The song remains Christian, and God may be using it to speak to that unsuspecting soul.

"What a Wonderful World" was written by Bob Thiele [a.k.a. George Douglas] and George David Weiss, and was first recorded by Louis Armstrong (1968). Thiele claimed no religion, Weiss was a Jew, and Armstrong was a Catholic former-Baptist. It's a beautiful song about a beautiful world, but does not mention God as Creator, etc.
If a born-again believer sings the song (as Armstrong may have been), does it become a Christian song?
If a lost person or satanist sings it, does it become anti-Christian? 
No. The song is amoral. 
However, if the believer sings it as praise and thanks to God for His creation and maintenance of the world, then YES - it "becomes" Christian - at least for that moment.

Which brings us back to the original question - is there such a thing as Christian metal? No.
I'm just kidding!! Of course!

Defying Temptation is a local band my younger son and I saw last weekend (along with his girlfriend) in Natchitoches at First United Methodist (yes, Baptists can survive visiting a UMC church, apparently). They were very good, though (sadly) will be relocating very soon to Little Rock, AR. God bless 'em!

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