#IHateHashtags — Random, disconnected (somewhat) thoughts

Random thoughts: My sinus cavities in my face are full. How can that much stuff be inside my face? When you want hot pizza (or anything else very specific), nothing else is as good. Venison chili made by my wife is amazing. And her homemade cornbread? Yass! I collect too much stuff. Is it an addiction or problem when I read several books "at the same time"? I'm currently enjoying a spy novel, a historical account of privateering, The Chronicles of Narnia (yet again) and a book about C.S. Lewis and JRR Tolkien and the influence of World War I on their lives and writings. And that's just the ones I can think of at the moment. I need to stop starting so many new writing projects and just finish several of the ones I've already begun. I need to get paid for this kind of wisdom. I mean, people give their opinions on all kinds of stuff on YouTube and become millionaires. Millionaires! Should I go back to school and get my doctorate? Why or why not? I...