Bless or Curse

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, bless His holy name" - Psalm 103:1. "Blessing and cursing come from the same mouth. My brothers and sisters, it should not be this way " - James 3:10. When I am in severe pain, as I was yesterday, it becomes very difficult to think clearly - about anything. I am immediately drawn in opposite directions. I can curse, asking why, and assuring God I have done nothing directly to deserve this particular pain. In this option, I remain physically in pain, and my heart can quickly become bitter, and toxic. I also have the option to bless God, praising Him for His great mercies and for being with me through all of it. In this option, I may remain physically in pain, but my spirit is uplifted. God is praised, and others can be pointed towards Him, rather than away from Him with a bad attitude. It's very hard to praise God and focus on the pain at the same time. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!