Once Bitten [Day 5]

Turns out I have had a bad reaction to the low-dosage antibiotic I was given on day 2. A couple of hours in the ER got me an in-line steroid and Benadryl to counter it, and an Rx for a new antibiotic - one I've had before. The ER doc confirmed it's a spider bite, and a bad one. He said I definitely drew the short end of the stick on that. Could've been a brown recluse, instead of a wid-der. I have fasciitis from the bite - a blister that continues to expand. It was noticeably larger when I left the ER than when I got there. It'll pop at some point, and I'll have to be very careful not to let it get infected. I have a large circle of necrotic tissue from the bite, also. In a couple of weeks I will need to see a wound specialist/surgeon to deal with excising it. I'm blessed. Could have been much worse. Could have been in a worse spot. Could have been my child or one of my parents. I have been the healthiest fat person I know, for the most part....