Five Statements By Which I Live

Though these are far from exhaustive, these five "statements" are truths that have shaped my life, and continue to do so. I share them with you, for whatever that's worth.

> Today is the only day we have been given (yesterday is gone, & tomorrow hasn't arrived) - so live in it, for the Lord!

> Can you do anything about another person's attitude? Not really. But you can do something about your own.

> People are not basically good. All people are basically evil, until God changes them. According to the Bible, no one can do things that are intrinsically, everlastingly good unless God's Holy Spirit lives within them. So love people to the Lord.

> No one should expect lost people to act like they are saved. Expect lost people to act like lost people. Expect saved people to act like saved people.

> You should always be the first to ask forgiveness, and the first to offer it.


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