
Quick New Year's Quiz:
What happens when you get a sinus infection and don't get it completely treated? It becomes Strep!
No, not Yay. 
I've had my kids for the past few days, and ferried them home to Louisiana today. On the way back, my throat was really hurting, and I noticed a slight swelling on the left side of my neck. Swelling & pain got worse, so I went to the ER.
After 3.5 hrs, they shot me twice and gave me an Rx. 
The doctor said the shots wouldn't really hurt until tomorrow.
"Hope you don't have to do a lot of driving," he said.
I need to drive the 6 hrs back home to MS tomorrow. Nice.
Anyway, if anyone is reading this (sometime in the far future), do some retroactive prayer for me, will ya?


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