A Polytheistic President

Dr. Michael Youssef, pastor of The Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, GA, and founder of Leading the Way ministries, recently wrote on his blog about Pres. Obama’s religion [MichaelYoussef.com] – an issue that hasn’t “gone away”.
Noting the president’s “extraordinary sympathies to Islamists and apparent bias that has tipped the scales toward the Muslim world and against Israel”, Youssef writes, “What most people have failed to recognize is that Obama’s religion is the same religion of a vast growing number of contemporary church-going Americans”.

“America’s modern drift” toward a unique polytheism originated, not with Mr. Obama, but “in many liberal churches and seminaries and has been followed now by many evangelical mega-church preachers”. Then Youssef expounds on what that “uniquely American polytheistic drift” is:

Jesus Christ is the Savior – but not the one and only.

Had the first-century Christians “been clever enough”, Youssef writes, “to compromise their faith that way”, they could have avoided the hungry lions, barrels of boiling oil, and being “dipped in tar to light up Nero’s garden”.

Youssef calls Rome’s polytheism very generous – perhaps more so than today’s “tolerance”. Romans “were very happy to add another god/savior/higher power, or whatever you may call your divine being, to the list of their idols and gods”.

The problem came when Christians insisted that Jesus was the only true God - with no salvation or blessing without Him; that all other religions are false; and that Jesus is the only Savior. “That is what got them into trouble -- and that is precisely what most of the founding fathers of America believed. This is why today's Christians are accused of ‘intolerance’!”

Pres. Obama exposes that all religions are equal (while claiming the title “Christian”), leading in the American drift – while surrounded by some well-known ministers of the Gospel. “That shipwreck of disbelief has been misleading millions of lost souls and taking them down into a spiritual abyss,” Youssef continues. “True Christians in America need to learn how to articulate their faith to a very different culture from that of their forbearers”.

Thank you, Dr. Youssef, for your insightful words, and let’s articulate our faith in ways that accurately show Christ to be who He really is – the only one true God.


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