
Showing posts from 2013

Thankful for the Pain

I have had some interesting Thanksgiving Days in my life. I've been sick (cold/sinus/flu) on many of them. Once, a car fell while I was working under it on T-Day. My left wrist has had problems ever since. But last Thanksgiving,  2012, was the hardest day of my life, bar none. It was the day I waved goodbye in tears to my children as they left their grandparents' house to go home, just before I moved a state away. Their mother and I were divorcing, and I was trying to find a job. Today, I'm sitting at the table with my daughters in my home. Their brothers are around here, too. I've met someone who is very precious to me, and her daughter is a great addition to my four. My family lives nearby, and God is meeting our needs. I am blessed. I am thankful. I am even thankful for the pain of last Thanksgiving, because it has taught me to be even more thankful today. God bless, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Rotting Pepper

I'm thinking should be my blog's new permanent site. Any thoughts?

Favorite Time of the Year

This is my favorite time of the year (but you probably guessed that from the title, didn't you?). I absolutely love the Fall.  I love NCAA college football! I love grilling outside when it's nice and cool. I love the changing colors, wearing a windbreaker and shorts on the same day, my birthday, and ... Halloween. I know - lots of Christians say you can't celebrate Halloween, and you certainly can't (gasp) love  it. But I do. I love the tingly, suspenseful "scary" stuff (not gore, that's just gross, and unnecessary, in my opinion). I love the opportunity to talk to people about what they believe about spirits, death, etc., during this time. It's amazing how people will open up if you just ask. I see nothing wrong with my kids enjoying dressing up, eating candy, and playing with friends. It's dress-up like any other day for us. I don't like them to dress like something ungodly, or do things that are ungodly. It's like any other ...

Love for Kids

I want to do everything for my kids. I love them so much. I hurt when they hurt, cry because they do, smile and laugh when they're happy. I have to let them struggle, succeed or fail, encouraging them ... though I want to do everything for them. How must our heavenly Father feel when we struggle. He hurts when we hurt, smiles and laughs with us, and His heart breaks for us. My Abba loves me. And He lets me learn as He encourages me. Thanks, Father ... Dad. My God, I love You.

Beggars, Better, Beast

Okay, I have submitted numerous poems to online poetry contests, and my modus operandi is almost always the same: I don't submit anything I've previously written, but instead write something right then, as quickly as I can, and submit it.  So far, most of those have won publication, and one was chosen as to be in the best poem submitted for the year category. Yesterday, I submitted a new one, and the phrase "beggars can't be choosers" popped into my head. So, this was the two-minute result.  Following the poem is a "Personal Statement" about me, the poet. Beggars, Better, Beast Beggars can't be choosers is what I've been told you so, that we can't decide what's best if you leave that alone, dear John Doe a deer a female Random wordings are only random if they were chosen totally at random and not purposefully picked to please the palette of colors that fill my mindful of the trees and the roots by my w...

Matter Matters & Matters Matter

I sometimes wonder what really matters in life. After the number one priority of my relationship with God, my family is next. But I'm not really referring to priorities. Does it really matter that I love tuna salad but don't really like mayonnaise? Does it matter that I don't like the smell of cooking cabbage, but like to eat it? Does it matter what books by my favorite authors I own versus those I've read but don't own? I guess not. Unless, of course, there's too much mayo in the tuna salad, cabbage cooking on the stove, or a new book by a favorite author that I don't have and haven't read. That's when those things matter. What's the point? I dunno. I guess I'm just thinking that I shouldn't worry about things if the situation isn't right before me, and I need to make a decision. Today is the only day I have. Therefore, it's got enough to deal with already, and it's the day God has made, and I need to rely on Him tod...

New & Abundant Life

Jesus came to give us life, according to the New Testament, and to give it to us "more abundantly".  As a born-again follower of Christ, I have that new life right now. As with you, my yesterdays are irretrievably gone. I can't get even a portion of them back, to re-do, correct, re-live, whatever. Gone. Tomorrows never come (by the time they get to us, they're todays) [some restaurants offer "free food tomorrow", knowing they'll never have to fulfill that promise].  The only day I have is today. The only moment I am living is this very one that I am in. That means that Jesus not only died to bring me eternal life, but to make my life in this moment "abundant" .  Does this mean abundantly wealthy, healthy, wise, and witty? Of course not. Reality lets us know the "health and wealth" gospel doesn't work. Any godly person who has lived in poverty can tell you it's a myth. Paul wrote that he had learned to be content no matte...


How do I reconcile my unhappiness With my happiness When both seem so consistent So Persistent? How do I reconcile my depression With my joyfulness When both have become Part Of me? Why do I mourn the death Of my twenty-year marriage As I celebrate the birth Of new opportunities Of a type of freedom? Mourning and celebrating As yesterday became today And today becomes tomorrow One day forward One more step It all keeps going No matter what I do No matter who I am No matter how I am

I Swear

I swear I swear I I swear I did I swear I did not I swear I did not look Didn't see the road you took Didn't see your hateful look Didn't read your journal book I swear I did not look I swear I did not I swear I did I swear I I swear


Happiness is not found In a buried chest In the ground In a letter of love Or a circus Come to town It's not in a person In an emotion Or a glass Not in a pocket Or a wallet Filled with cash It's a relationship With Jesus His hand leading mine And knowing He brings Special people and Things just in (His) time.

Not All

Not all who wander wonder Not all who marvel care Not all who serve are happy Not all who smile are fair Not all who shine are selfless Not all who give receive Not all who take are selfish Not all who look in believe Not all with faith are hopeful Not all with hope are going under Not all who drown were once swimming And not all who wander wonder

A message from the phone in my pocket

Ezra to anaesthzastesiairbchzk whf 'vhwye Afttract HeY a Eve,rythinglmx Gr8 we related wh? asee h? Even XYELO chug wew!I Jg a XztmyWtxo Yt? Awful

It Isn't Fair

It isn't fair, I said to me, How far she is away Nor how her photo looks at me Until I look away It isn't fair how longing hearts Must beat alone for now Not hearing the beats But beating in sync Though I can't figure how It isn't fair my arms are empty Not wrapped around her frame My ears aren't tickled by her breath As she whispers my name It isn't fair, I cry to God Though on whom can I place blame? It isn't fair, my God replies, Yet she and I love you Just the same

Resurrection Day

It's what came to mind immediately when I asked myself what to write about today. I'm not sure why that's what I thought of, but I am sure that the Resurrection of Jesus is: - worth talking about anytime - the reason I have hope - the reason I'm happy - what I should write about Jesus came to die ... He even said that was why He came ... but He didn't come to stay dead. He came to live, to die, to be raised, and to leave ... all so we could have freedom from the weight and eternal consequences of our wrongdoings, and so we could live for Him til He returns. There are a few dates I'm looking forward to in my near future: - the Mississippi Museum of Art with my kids and family - the Hattiesburg Zoo with kids and friends - Duck Dynasty events nearby But more than these, I look forward to the day I get to run into the arms of Jesus, the One who loves me like no other. The Resurrection made that possible. So ... today is Resurrection Day. I'll cele...

Moving Again - Postscript

My soon-to-be ex and I are getting along fine. To answer the question I get often, however, we still have no plans to reunite. Some of you who know us think it's what's best for all involved. Some of you think I've turned deaf ears to God's Holy Spirit. Well ... I'm not absolutely certain divorce is what's best. I am absolutely certain that I am more attuned to the Spirit than perhaps I have ever been. God is blessing me. God. Not self, not the world, and certainly not the devil. God has His hand on me. Divorce was never what was intended, but it is the door through which we stepped. No one can change what has been. We are trusting God with today and tomorrows. Thanks and God's peace to you.

Moving (Again)

Well, it was back in November 2012 that I wrote a post entitled "Moving", and here I am again - moving, for the second time since I wrote that post [ ]. I moved from Many, LA, to Chunky, MS (with my parents), then moved in January 2013 to my current address, also in Chunky. Now ... I'm moving again ... less than 10 miles away, to Hickory, MS, to a home where we can hopefully stay quite a while.  My younger son and I are packing and loading, and we've had the help of my brother-in-law, plus the wonderful landlady at the new place (along with her daughter and grand-daughter-in-law).  Moving seems like old hat now, but it's still not any easier physically. It's tiring.  But I'm not complaining! I'm so grateful God has brought us this far.  My older son is moving in with us this coming weekend, and my two daughters will be visiting with us for a few weeks (Yay!).  To revisit a n...

Y Does He Love Me So

Moving to another house Without my kids Without my spouse Was difficult and so very lous -y Moving to another state Of mind helped me recuperate Sharing the kids we show We love them great -ly God is great and oh so good Always gives more than I thought He would Increases my joy and Helps me not be so mood -y For my life He still has plans Walking happily hand-in-hand Daily making me more of a man Pouring out His grace grand -ly

Pearls (and Chests of Treasure)

One day, many years ago, while digging in a field where I had paused to rest,                                                                     I came across a treasure chest.                                      while walking on a beach watching the eddies swirl,                                                                   I came across a beautiful pearl. I was so excited, and had an incredible desire to have that treasure at any price.              So I bought the field from the owner - and the reward for me was nic...

A Poem for Sleepless Hours

[A poem from my past] Is this really how it was meant to be? Pulled down again, when I was free? Wounding friendship in infancy Creating time and space to breathe? Awkward social humility When it's not you, but definitely me Ready for naught, closed my eyes to see Held out your hand, and whispered, let me be ... Tell me, did I love you a bit too much? Hold you too close, before we had touched? Was I asking for something you could not give up? Tell me, am I too much for us?

My Heart Has Been

My heart has been missing Hiding from me in crafty ways Afraid I'd break it Or let it be held by someone clumsy It has warned me of dangers Imagined, in reality, blurred between Shaking in terror On anxious legs it hobbles out I lift it up to you And it shivers as you embrace it Warming it in your hands Letting it feel the rhythms of yours My heart smiles and calms Leans in toward you And wonders why it ran away

I May Be Confused

Is rain my mind has crafted Fog and mashed chagrin Once loved and now retracted No pumice o'er my hand My straight is thinking not now Confused I speak cannot I don't know what to say or how No notes my mind will jot So tired so very so and, well, I hope you understand Though I say I don't know how I love you I'm imagining I'm holding your hand ...

Grateful Lover

How can I ask for help And not take what You've given me? How can I share Your wealth And not trust Your generosity? How could I raise my hands to You If I won't raise my thanks? Remind me - I'm your Bride, my Love The ring I wear is Your grace

I Love Movies that Break My Heart

Why do I like watching sad movies so much?  This is not a new phenomenon for me - I've liked sad movies for most of my life. So, I can't say it has anything particularly to do with whatever current circumstances I'm experiencing.  Stories of loss, near loss, pain, betrayal, and broken hearts seem to resonate somehow with me. They stick with me - if not the story itself, at least parts of it. I know I can relate to some of it - we all can, in some respect. But I love the glimpses of hope I see in so many sad stories. Even when a character expresses that no hope exists, the very confession of lost hope (or unrecognized chances) displays the truth that hope is what we reach for as humans. Hope is what gives us purpose, gives us life. For the believer in Christ, that hope is placed in the Person of Jesus. We hope because of what we know to be true. God has never failed to keep any promise He has ever made. Therefore, we know that Jesus will actually return one day for tho...

May Day Comments

Hi, there. Just a simple little experiment here.  If you are reading this, would you simply make one comment on this post? I don't care, really, what you say (as long as it's not vulgar) - I'm just wondering.  Do people take the time to comment? Better yet ... if you have read any of the other posts on my blog, and you liked what I had to say, disagreed with it, were encouraged to think about an issue, etc., would you please make a comment on that post? I sincerely appreciate it, as I appreciate each of you who read any of what I share. God bless! - Brett

My To-Do List (Since January 2013)


A Bit of Explanation

This blog is essentially my own personal journal. Though slightly modified (and edited) for semi-public consumption, it is a record of my thoughts and feelings at the particular, specific time of the writing.  Many posts I have read and re-read after writing, have removed certain specifics, added a little clarity (or muddied it), etc. Some posts I have decided not to publish at all - they are simply too personal. Please keep in mind, if you are one of the limited number (the privileged few) that read these blogs, that I am being the real me. I am baring some of my struggles, my doubts, my grasps at growing in my faith, etc. I am deeply in love with my Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and I am so grateful for His incredible grace!  When I gripe or struggle or whatever, please understand that I am just being honest about things with which we all struggle in varying degrees at varying times.  Extend the grace to me that you wish to be extended to you as you share your...

Listening, But What am I Hearing?

It's just after the rain, I hear the mockingbirds sing Life still goes on in this cold, wet Spring But my heart still hurts, as my head's thumping Keeping time with the pains I can't forget If I say I'm apathetic but I'm angry about it Does that mean I'm a liar or just a confused nitwit? Why do the slightest things make me just wanna spit? And what can I do about them, anyway? From my house I can hear the interstate hums And the trains on their multiple day and night runs And the dog next door that can't shut its gums And an owl that seems to be lost But the sounds that I so very much long to hear The talking and laughter that sound so dear From those who are longing to have me near Are what I desire to hear the most

Hungry Hungry Hippos

Ever play the game Hungry Hungry Hippos? Don't deny it. You'd play it right now if it was on the table in front of you. It's a great game ... teaches you about manic hysteria, incredible greed, eating disorders, which way the table or floor leans in your house, etc. Through HHH we, as children, also learned that hippos have incredible stretchable necks, and come in rainbow colors. And, that you never, never, ever want to get between a hippo and his marbles.  How Hungry Hungry are we as adults? Are we that indiscriminate when it comes to the things we pursue in life? If we're pursuing financial success, family success, relationship success, and we go after it with a certain amount of gusto - fine. Nothing wrong with that, in itself. But if we're going after success (however we have defined that for ourselves) with reckless abandon, just grabbing what we can, as much as we can, without regard for anyone other than ourselves, we've reduced ourselves to ...

Goodnight, Goodbye

You don't have to walk me home I can see my way just fine I can see you'd rather be alone Than to have your hand in mine And though you smile, I see the tears Just behind your eyes Afraid to say the love just isn't there Afraid to say goodbye Your body language said it all Didn't need to speak a word I hoped that I just read you wrong Trying to avoid the hurt But as the minutes floated by And your eyes avoided mine Couldn't help but think I'd cheated you And this was just a waste of time The things I've said to you are true Not holding on to sympathy I hope you find what you've been looking for Even though it isn't me Ashes to ash and dirt to dust Shake them from your feet Walk away with downcast face And say that it isn't me Lie if it makes you feel free

What Matters

What matters most to you? I've asked that question of myself so many times, in so many forms, that I have long since lost count. What matters to me? I mean, really matters ? Does it matter if I don't get to watch the show or movie I was wanting to see? Really? Does it matter if I don't get to read the book I wanted to read, or see the concert I hoped I would get to go to ... really ? What matters? Does it matter whether I get to spend time with my children? You bet it does!  Does it matter what we do during that time, or just that we get to do whatever it is together ? Easy answer. I spent about half my day today with one of my closest friends, doing something I had originally planned to do by myself. Spending the time with my friend made the experience so much more enjoyable. And, I quickly found myself not caring what we were doing ... just that I got to spend the time with that person. I'm grateful for that opportunity. That matters to me. Does it matte...

A Song for Missing You

Hey, just sittin' here thinking 'bout you Guess I got nothing better to do When I remember all the good times (it takes me awhile), I can't help it, I start to smile And I wish You were here in my arms Remember the last time I saw your face? When I dropped you off at that Louisiana place? And you smiled and waved as you walked away Little tears starting to form on your face And we wished Neither of us had to go But my darlin', oh, my sweetheart How much do I love you?  Oh, where should I start? I see your eyes and your hair and the funny way you stare in my mind as I hold you in my heart Oh, my daughter, I wish we never had to part Lying here awake, it's 8:32 I love it when I get to talk to you Your voice always reminds me of home Wherever it is is where I belong And I'm so glad I get to call you mine It won't be long til I see you again Are you havin' fun with your mom and your friends? I hope you and your sister neve...

What Do You See?


Home Alone

Yes. I am Home Alone. Well, not really alone. My teenage son and his friend are here, in the music room. But I'm in the living/dining/library/open room, by mah-sef. Watching YouTube videos, typing this blog, glancing occasionally at Facebook.  Bored.  Could I be out somewhere doing something with someone? Maybe. But what, where, and with whom? Interesting questions. Unsure of the answers. Then I couldn't leave son-n-friend here. Incidentally, "Home Alone" was the movie we watched when I went on my first date with my kids' mom. Hmmm. Oh, well. Home alone. Almost.

Use What You Got, Not What You Don't Got

Do you sometimes wish you had a talent you don't already possess? That you could sing, or cook, or play an instrument, or paint, or teach, or ... whatever? It seems that we spend so much time trying to be people we are NOT, instead of trying to utilize the gifts God has already given us. Why should I spend my time wishing I was a piano virtuoso, instead of using my drawing ability? Why should I waste my energies wishing for [x] when I already have been gifted with [y]? God has given us each different abilities. He has called each us and wants to use us. God didn't save me and tell me to serve Him as someone other than who He has equipped me to be. He has never asked me to do anything I cannot do in His power.  Has God ever given me more than I can handle? Yes!! But He has never given me more than He and I can handle together!

Thatcher, Funicello, Byargeon, Clark, and P183

Today, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher passed away, age 87. Also, actress and former Mouseketeer Annette Funicello passed away, age 70. I found out today that my fellow minister and friend Dr. Rick Byargeon passed away last week from cancer, age 55. I also found out today that a former neighbor, church member, and friend Mrs. Effie Clark passed away, age 93. Russian graffiti artist Pasha P183, age 29, died, as well. What do all of these people have in common? Well, I know that Dr. Byargeon and Mrs. Clark were both born-again believers in Christ Jesus, and have passed into His presence, joy, and glory.  I don't know about the other three. Chances are you've heard of Thatcher and Funicello, and possibly even Byargeon and Pasha P183. More than 136,500 people have died so far today . [ ] About 2 die per second .  I don't know all their names. I don't know their stories. I don't know their famil...

A Bunch of Unrelated Poems, for My Daughters

Princess, One It's said there once was a princess who lived in a land made of glue. What a horrible thing to deal with -  not knowing where to set your shoes. Princess, Two I had once heard a princess was coming, while riding the school bus to school. But was she coming where I was going? And was this meeting going to be cool? And who's to say I would meet her when I had arrived in class? Perhaps she was going to visit, or perhaps would only walk past. And was it she I really wanted to see, and would she turn out to be a friend? Would she arrive in a stretch limousine, or riding a dolphin's fin? But then, here she came, just as real as life. What would I say? I did not know. So when she smiled and shook my hand,  I simply said, "Jell-O". A Poem that Has Absolutely Nothing Whatsoever to Do with Princesses Hey, there, whatcha doin? Why you got those headphones on? Are ya list'nin' to some music? Do ya wanna be left alone? Why you...

Matthew Warren, Son of Rick Warren, Commits Suicide

Suicide is the horrible end of dealing with depression, for many. Sadly, Matthew Warren, the 27-year-old youngest son of pastor Rick Warren, committed suicide yesterday, Friday, April 5, 2013. Please pray for his family. One comment posted on the NPR website reads: [Andrew Viceroy] I'm an atheist originally from that area (SJC) and I am sorry to hear this news about anyone. Suicide is the #8 cause of death in the US, higher than homicide. I hope the Warrens can find some pea...