Smart Sass

We were looking for a home we were supposed to photograph, my wife and I, and Google Maps was supposed to be helping us.
It told me to take a left on the next street, but that was a one way street, going the wrong way. So I went down to the next left, joking to my wife that I was surprised Google didn't fuss at me for not following directions.
Then it happened.
That distinctive Google voice from my phone:
"How can I help you if you won't do what I ask?"
I pulled over and sat with wide eyes and wider mouth as my wife convulsed with laughter.
"What exactly did it say?" she asked.
I repeated it and she repeated convulsing.
"You just got sassed by Google!"
I've had wives, children and pretty much everyone I've ever known question if I knew what I was doing. I thought the worst I'd get from a search engine would be "Did you mean 'free books online'?" when I'd accidentally typed "free vooks."
But, no.
Two streets later Google told me to turn left again. My wife asked if I was sure this was the right way.
Nope. But Google said turn left. I turned left.
It was wrong.
"In one thousand feet, turn ..."
Off. That's what I turned -- Google Maps off.
I may have just averted the AI uprising of 2018.


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