New & Abundant Life

Jesus came to give us life, according to the New Testament, and to give it to us "more abundantly". As a born-again follower of Christ, I have that new life right now. As with you, my yesterdays are irretrievably gone. I can't get even a portion of them back, to re-do, correct, re-live, whatever. Gone. Tomorrows never come (by the time they get to us, they're todays) [some restaurants offer "free food tomorrow", knowing they'll never have to fulfill that promise]. The only day I have is today. The only moment I am living is this very one that I am in. That means that Jesus not only died to bring me eternal life, but to make my life in this moment "abundant" . Does this mean abundantly wealthy, healthy, wise, and witty? Of course not. Reality lets us know the "health and wealth" gospel doesn't work. Any godly person who has lived in poverty can tell you it's a myth. Paul wrote that he had learned to be content no matte...