Inaugural Post

This is my first post on blogspot -- I've never really "blogged" before. I'll see if I can keep up with it, especially since my website [] never gets updated enough, nor my facebook page. A lot of things on my mind and heart today. Some things are bothering me deeply, and others are reasons to rejoice more. I've gotten a lot done, and still have miles of work to go. Or, I could say: I still have miles of work to go, but at least I've gotten a lot done already. That sounds better. Had to say goodbye to one of our oldest church members [90 years young] yesterday -- he stepped into the Lord's presence and away from ours. Coach Sherman Tatum will be missed by a great many people. So much to do and so little time. So many to pray for -- for healing, for endurance, for salvation! Keep praying earnestly, eagerly, faith-full prayers!! God bless. Bro. Brett