
Showing posts from May, 2013

It Isn't Fair

It isn't fair, I said to me, How far she is away Nor how her photo looks at me Until I look away It isn't fair how longing hearts Must beat alone for now Not hearing the beats But beating in sync Though I can't figure how It isn't fair my arms are empty Not wrapped around her frame My ears aren't tickled by her breath As she whispers my name It isn't fair, I cry to God Though on whom can I place blame? It isn't fair, my God replies, Yet she and I love you Just the same

Resurrection Day

It's what came to mind immediately when I asked myself what to write about today. I'm not sure why that's what I thought of, but I am sure that the Resurrection of Jesus is: - worth talking about anytime - the reason I have hope - the reason I'm happy - what I should write about Jesus came to die ... He even said that was why He came ... but He didn't come to stay dead. He came to live, to die, to be raised, and to leave ... all so we could have freedom from the weight and eternal consequences of our wrongdoings, and so we could live for Him til He returns. There are a few dates I'm looking forward to in my near future: - the Mississippi Museum of Art with my kids and family - the Hattiesburg Zoo with kids and friends - Duck Dynasty events nearby But more than these, I look forward to the day I get to run into the arms of Jesus, the One who loves me like no other. The Resurrection made that possible. So ... today is Resurrection Day. I'll cele...

Moving Again - Postscript

My soon-to-be ex and I are getting along fine. To answer the question I get often, however, we still have no plans to reunite. Some of you who know us think it's what's best for all involved. Some of you think I've turned deaf ears to God's Holy Spirit. Well ... I'm not absolutely certain divorce is what's best. I am absolutely certain that I am more attuned to the Spirit than perhaps I have ever been. God is blessing me. God. Not self, not the world, and certainly not the devil. God has His hand on me. Divorce was never what was intended, but it is the door through which we stepped. No one can change what has been. We are trusting God with today and tomorrows. Thanks and God's peace to you.

Moving (Again)

Well, it was back in November 2012 that I wrote a post entitled "Moving", and here I am again - moving, for the second time since I wrote that post [ ]. I moved from Many, LA, to Chunky, MS (with my parents), then moved in January 2013 to my current address, also in Chunky. Now ... I'm moving again ... less than 10 miles away, to Hickory, MS, to a home where we can hopefully stay quite a while.  My younger son and I are packing and loading, and we've had the help of my brother-in-law, plus the wonderful landlady at the new place (along with her daughter and grand-daughter-in-law).  Moving seems like old hat now, but it's still not any easier physically. It's tiring.  But I'm not complaining! I'm so grateful God has brought us this far.  My older son is moving in with us this coming weekend, and my two daughters will be visiting with us for a few weeks (Yay!).  To revisit a n...

Y Does He Love Me So

Moving to another house Without my kids Without my spouse Was difficult and so very lous -y Moving to another state Of mind helped me recuperate Sharing the kids we show We love them great -ly God is great and oh so good Always gives more than I thought He would Increases my joy and Helps me not be so mood -y For my life He still has plans Walking happily hand-in-hand Daily making me more of a man Pouring out His grace grand -ly

Pearls (and Chests of Treasure)

One day, many years ago, while digging in a field where I had paused to rest,                                                                     I came across a treasure chest.                                      while walking on a beach watching the eddies swirl,                                                                   I came across a beautiful pearl. I was so excited, and had an incredible desire to have that treasure at any price.              So I bought the field from the owner - and the reward for me was nic...

A Poem for Sleepless Hours

[A poem from my past] Is this really how it was meant to be? Pulled down again, when I was free? Wounding friendship in infancy Creating time and space to breathe? Awkward social humility When it's not you, but definitely me Ready for naught, closed my eyes to see Held out your hand, and whispered, let me be ... Tell me, did I love you a bit too much? Hold you too close, before we had touched? Was I asking for something you could not give up? Tell me, am I too much for us?

My Heart Has Been

My heart has been missing Hiding from me in crafty ways Afraid I'd break it Or let it be held by someone clumsy It has warned me of dangers Imagined, in reality, blurred between Shaking in terror On anxious legs it hobbles out I lift it up to you And it shivers as you embrace it Warming it in your hands Letting it feel the rhythms of yours My heart smiles and calms Leans in toward you And wonders why it ran away

I May Be Confused

Is rain my mind has crafted Fog and mashed chagrin Once loved and now retracted No pumice o'er my hand My straight is thinking not now Confused I speak cannot I don't know what to say or how No notes my mind will jot So tired so very so and, well, I hope you understand Though I say I don't know how I love you I'm imagining I'm holding your hand ...

Grateful Lover

How can I ask for help And not take what You've given me? How can I share Your wealth And not trust Your generosity? How could I raise my hands to You If I won't raise my thanks? Remind me - I'm your Bride, my Love The ring I wear is Your grace

I Love Movies that Break My Heart

Why do I like watching sad movies so much?  This is not a new phenomenon for me - I've liked sad movies for most of my life. So, I can't say it has anything particularly to do with whatever current circumstances I'm experiencing.  Stories of loss, near loss, pain, betrayal, and broken hearts seem to resonate somehow with me. They stick with me - if not the story itself, at least parts of it. I know I can relate to some of it - we all can, in some respect. But I love the glimpses of hope I see in so many sad stories. Even when a character expresses that no hope exists, the very confession of lost hope (or unrecognized chances) displays the truth that hope is what we reach for as humans. Hope is what gives us purpose, gives us life. For the believer in Christ, that hope is placed in the Person of Jesus. We hope because of what we know to be true. God has never failed to keep any promise He has ever made. Therefore, we know that Jesus will actually return one day for tho...

May Day Comments

Hi, there. Just a simple little experiment here.  If you are reading this, would you simply make one comment on this post? I don't care, really, what you say (as long as it's not vulgar) - I'm just wondering.  Do people take the time to comment? Better yet ... if you have read any of the other posts on my blog, and you liked what I had to say, disagreed with it, were encouraged to think about an issue, etc., would you please make a comment on that post? I sincerely appreciate it, as I appreciate each of you who read any of what I share. God bless! - Brett