25 "Would You Rather" Questions
Sorry. In advance.
Would you rather have your obituary read at your funeral by Will
Ferrell or Robin Williams?
If you were literally starving to death, would you rather eat food
you were allergic to and suffer a terrible reaction, or eat nothing and likely
die of starvation?
Would you rather have your most embarrassing moments posted by
someone else on their Facebook page, or just keep doing it yourself?
Would you rather be humiliated on a reality TV show or on a
daytime talk show?
Would you rather be mauled to death by a monkey on crack, or by a
crack-head dressed like a monkey?
Would you rather a doctor presented your newborn child to your
family and friends in the waiting room in a manner similar to that of Simba in The Lion King, or have Adam Sandler
claim to be the child’s father?
Would you rather drink Monster
until you puke, or be puked on by a monster?
Would you rather be bitten by a werewolf and be hunted down by the
local magistrate and an angry mob who would corner you in the woods and be about
to arrest or kill you but your true love shoots and kills you instead, or be
bitten by that weird kid down the street whose hygiene is clearly questionable?
Would you rather answer twenty-five “would you rather” questions
written by a complete stranger, or ask the same questions to someone who’s
strange, but not completely?
Would you rather work in a political campaign for a candidate you
support but who is in a political party with which you usually disagree, or
work in a political campaign for a candidate with whom you disagree but who is
part of the political party you fully support?
Would you rather enjoy a dessert of baked apple pastries, homemade
vanilla bean ice cream, and the perfect cup of coffee, or sit with the person
you love the most while he or she eats it instead?
Would you rather the person you have a crush on act as if they
passionately love you for one week and then tell you they just want to be
friends, or spend three months with a person about whom you’re not quite sure
how you feel or of how they feel about you?
Would you rather listen to Ozzy Osbourne scream “All aboard!” and
then laugh, on loop, for eternity, or listen to the Chicken on a Raft song for
one week? [Easy one]
Would you rather need a knee replacement and have the doctor
accidentally replace the wrong knee, or go blind with no warning and no
explanation for one month?
Would you rather have all your exes follow you around for a year,
telling everyone everything you did wrong in your relationships, or have their
mothers follow you around for a year, telling everyone how wonderful you are
and that their child should still be with you?
Ladies, would you rather have a fairy-tale wedding that’s
absolutely perfect, and then live in a loveless marriage for twenty years, or
have a wedding that was so bad it was embarrassing and an awful memory, but
have a wonderful marriage that lasts twenty years? Men, which would you rather
your wife say?
Would you rather find the location of Jimmy Hoffa’s body, or your
car keys?
Would you rather solve the mysterious death of George Reeves,
Marilyn Monroe, or the Black Dahlia?
Would you rather be happy and know it and clap your hands, or put
your left foot in and take your left foot out and shake it all about?
Would you rather do without your cell phone, TV, internet, or
solid food for thirty days?
Would you rather be incredibly attractive physically, but sound
like a goat when you talk, or be incredibly attractive physically only to
people who sound like goats when they talk?
Would you rather have a chronic problem with passing
silent-but-deadly farts, or have a chronic problem with passing embarrassingly-loud
farts that have no odor?
Would you rather your mother look like Hitler or your father look
like Hilary Clinton?
Would you rather have your name legally changed to Snoop + your
first name, or have everyone think you looked like Conan O’Brien?
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