
Showing posts from February, 2017

Faith in God: I have reason to believe

Recently, a portion of King Solomon’s palace was found in Jerusalem. Critical scholars had long believed this biblical king to be a myth, until a portion of the guards’ quarters were unearthed and identified.  One archaeological journal called the find “remarkably intact”. I guess the critical scholars once again myth-ed out. Literally hundreds of archaeological finds over the years have verified over and over that the accounts found in the pages of the Bible are real. Not even a single find has ever disproved any word of Scripture. Not one.  Many scholars were convinced the accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion involving Pontius Pilate (Pilatus in Greek) were fantasy because there were no extra-biblical extant records of a ruler by that name. Then an entryway stone was unearthed in Jerusalem for the home of a wealthy Roman named — you guessed it — Pilatus.  Some people say that religions of any sort are based on faith apart from reason. Not so, my friends. True belief ...

A FONT of Information. Several, actually

I've been online searching for FONTS for free personal and/or commercial use. Just thought I'd share some of the interesting finds I have founded or finded or found. Ed.