
Showing posts from 2021

The as yet untitled podcast of life

The as yet untitled podcast of life With Brett Campbell and David Misner S1, E1

Don't quit

"Let's see who can do a hundred push-ups," David said.  "I don't know if I can do a hundred," I said.  "Well let's see," he said.  He set the rules. We would get where we couldn't see each other so we wouldn't be tempted to offer critiques.  We were in the church sanctuary. We were either about to get the gym key from Dad and play basketball or we'd already played. I don't remember which. But here we were about to compete in upper body strength and endurance in the church. I went to the rear of the sanctuary, behind the back pew. He was between the front pew and the podium. I dropped to the carpet and started straining my arms to push my body up and let it back down as many times as I could.  David was in much better shape than me, or at least appeared to be. I knew he was going to beat me, but I wasn't going to go down without a fight.  One, two, three ... am I at 100 yet? Four, five, I am not going to make it. Six, seven ....