
Showing posts from September, 2018

Thank you

I used to be a youth minister. But God delivered me. I’m just joking, sort of. God led me into youth ministry — at age 17 (me, not God), I felt God telling me he was going to make me a minister to youth, but not forever, just for a time and he’d let me know when that time was up — and God led me out of youth ministry. At age 27, God told me he was shifting me to a different type of ministry — as a pastor.  I became a pastor for the first time at age 30. I’d served as an associate pastor in the interim there. I was at that church 6 years, 2.5 months. Then I became pastor of a different church in a different state, and stayed there 5 years and 3 months.  I’d been eager to pastor a church in an area I considered a “real mission field,” where I had the financial security of a full-time position but had the freedom and opportunity to reach the lost, including those who weren’t accepted by or didn’t f...