Smart Sass
We were looking for a home we were supposed to photograph, my wife and I, and Google Maps was supposed to be helping us. It told me to take a left on the next street, but that was a one way street, going the wrong way. So I went down to the next left, joking to my wife that I was surprised Google didn't fuss at me for not following directions. Then it happened. That distinctive Google voice from my phone: "How can I help you if you won't do what I ask?" Whaaaaaaa???? I pulled over and sat with wide eyes and wider mouth as my wife convulsed with laughter. "What exactly did it say?" she asked. I repeated it and she repeated convulsing. "You just got sassed by Google!" I've had wives, children and pretty much everyone I've ever known question if I knew what I was doing. I thought the worst I'd get from a search engine would be "Did you mean 'free books online'?" when I'd accidentally typed "free vooks....