
Showing posts from August, 2016


Be prepared. That's the motto of the Boy Scouts of America. I used to be in the scouts, a long time ago. Preparation. Of vegetables - rinsing, scrubbing, cutting off stems and bad spots, removing seeds and membranes, chopping for use. The bell peppers we love to use in cooking are not usually the star of the dish. They are a small part of it. But they are important. Just ask anyone who hates bell pepper. If they get a bite of one, it's like me finding that someone snuck sour cream or mayo in something I was looking forward to eating. I want to be prepared. I want God to shape me in preparation for whatever He has yet in store for me. But I don't want to be "prepared" - the shearing, pruning, cleansing process hurts. And I don't get to be the star of the final offering - that's not my place. I'm just a part of what He's doing. And that's a pretty good place to be.

From His scars to yours

He took your innocence Traded for shame Stole your childhood Fed your hope to the dark Self-condemned, he tried to add you To the trophies on his desk Your mind escaped, only God knows where And only God can save you Jesus died for everyone But only some receive it Jesus lives and soon will come This is why you must believe it Never escaped that empty cell Though you were rescued long ago Never forgot his lingering smell You still equate love lies and anger Though dead you see him everywhere It's hard to stand and hard to breathe Could this Jesus be a real help and hope You reach out trembling upturned hands Jesus died for everyone But only some receive it Jesus lives and soon will come Child you must believe it I don't know what you're going through And I don't understand Can't comprehend what you've suffered My heart breaks for you Just because this evil happened Doesn't mean God doesn't care He's not weak but He weeps...