
Showing posts from July, 2014

Once Bitten [Day 5]

Turns out I have had a bad reaction to the low-dosage antibiotic I was given on day 2. A couple of hours in the ER got me an in-line steroid and Benadryl to counter it, and an Rx for a new antibiotic - one I've had before. The ER doc confirmed it's a spider bite, and a bad one. He said I definitely drew the short end of the stick on that.  Could've been a brown recluse, instead of a wid-der.  I have fasciitis from the bite - a blister that continues to expand. It was noticeably larger when I left the ER than when I got there. It'll pop at some point, and I'll have to be very careful not to let it get infected.  I have a large circle of necrotic tissue from the bite, also. In a couple of weeks I will need to see a wound specialist/surgeon to deal with excising it.  I'm blessed. Could have been much worse. Could have been in a worse spot. Could have been my child or one of my parents.  I have been the healthiest fat person I know, for the most part....

Once Bitten [Days 1-4]

My German Shepherd-mutt mix bit me once, when I was stupid enough to try to move something over in his food bowl so I could add more. It was really just enough to hurt. I've been nipped by several dogs over the years, and one pregnant dachshund even took a plug out of my thumb. I've been bitten by a couple of non-venomous snakes, their teeth dragging across my skin like a serrated knife, but doing little damage.  But this past Tuesday, I was bitten by something else altogether. Around 4:30, I started feeling nauseated (not nauseous) and a little light-heated, but didn't think too much of it. I left work 30 minutes later and soon found myself on the side of the road with a dead battery and a dead alternator. With my dad's assistance, I stood in the pouring rain for several minutes trying to get the battery charged enough to get my vehicle home. Sitting in his car, I was shivering and didn't feel so good. When I made it to my fiancee's house, I was mise...

An Avowed Christian Now Says He's an Avowed Atheist

Avowed Christian to Avowed Atheist? Tim Lambesis [LAMB-es-sis], age 32, has been best-known as the singer/frontman of the Grammy-nominated Christian metalcore band As I Lay Dying. Unfortunately, for the past year, he has been better known as an attempted murderer. After confessing his marital infidelity to his wife Meggan, and declaring via e-mail his intention to file for divorce, Lambesis decided that was not his best option. Because his wife refused to allow their three adopted children to accompany Tim on tour, and because he was certain at least 60-percent of his income would go to his wife in the divorce, Lambesis approached more than one person with the intent to hire someone to kill her. When an undercover police officer confirmed beyond any doubt the singer's intent, Tim was arrested and charged with solicitation of murder, in May 2013. Tim pleaded not guilty, claiming his addiction to body-building steroids had clouded his judgment. Immediately following his ar...