
Showing posts from May, 2014

Passing on the Debt

When I die, I will pass on to my children the things in my life that are precious to me. Some they will claim after I'm gone: my favorite Bible, the knife in my pocket at the time, my truck, and so on.  Others will be theirs while I still draw breath: some books, collectible items, what wisdom I have.  What I really want to pass on is my debt.  No, not financial burden. My debt to Christ for what He has done for me.  I've taught them through words and walking. I have no greater joy than seeing in them a deep love for The Lord.  This is one gift for which they won't have to wait.  I pray they pass the debt on to their children, too.

Intolerance and Grace

I'll say right at the beginning here that I know countless people have written on this subject, and I doubt my rants will add anything of real value to the mix. Wiser people than I have been ignored more than I have on this issue, and no doubt my comments will be largely ignored by those to whom they are directed.  No matter. I need to get this off my hairy chest. The logic of the day is illogical. When a person or group declares that tolerance is the ultimate expression of peaceful humanity, what they really mean is every one else should be tolerant of the views that person or group holds. They very rarely (very, very rarely) mean that they, too, are tolerant of opposing views.  Tolerance accepts that your view is different than mine, and allows you freedom to express your viewpoint. Tolerance also allows me the same freedom to express my viewpoint.  This applies to religious views as well as personal opinions on a variety of topics.  Never is it "fair" o...