
Showing posts from 2014

Is God Homophobic?

South African Nobel peace laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu said in July 2013, "I would not worship a God who is homophobic ...",   and would not want to go to a homophobic heaven, but would prefer "the other place".  Is God homophobic? If so, it presumes that God is "phobic" - afraid, fearful. Yahweh God is not fearful. Of whom shall He fear? Who or what is greater than He? What can pose any kind of threat to Him? This comment completely disregards the fact that God's Word condemns homosexuality in both the Old and New Testaments - even if it was never recorded as having come directly from the lips of Jesus. Homosexuality is specifically, directly identified as sinful behavior that God does not tolerate. If God is homophobic, then He is sin-ophobic. He is afraid of sin, and this is the real reason He sent His Son to die on the cross - not to save people from their sins, paying the price for their sins, eradicating their sins because sin is unhol...

Robin Williams Dead at 63

In an apparent suicide by asphyxiation, comedian Robin Williams died today, Monday, August 11, 2014. Currently the star of The Crazy Ones, Williams was first put on my radar as Mork from Ork, on Mork and Mindy.  My favorite Williams comedic roles were the genie in Disney's Aladdin, and the title role in Mrs. Doubtfire.  I found his dramatic roles more entertaining, however.  As the person of interest in Insomnia, the psychiatrist in Good Will Hunting, or Mr. Keating in Dead Poets Society, Robin's star power shone.  With no evidence of having trusted Jesus as Savior, one can only conclude that Williams' apparent attempt to escape the trials of this world have tragically resulted in an eternity far worse.  I truly hope this conclusion is wrong, and that this comedic mastermind met Jesus face-to-face as His Savior.  May God grant his family peace in their loss. Since I wrote the above post, many friends and family of Williams have stated tha...

Once Bitten [Day 5]

Turns out I have had a bad reaction to the low-dosage antibiotic I was given on day 2. A couple of hours in the ER got me an in-line steroid and Benadryl to counter it, and an Rx for a new antibiotic - one I've had before. The ER doc confirmed it's a spider bite, and a bad one. He said I definitely drew the short end of the stick on that.  Could've been a brown recluse, instead of a wid-der.  I have fasciitis from the bite - a blister that continues to expand. It was noticeably larger when I left the ER than when I got there. It'll pop at some point, and I'll have to be very careful not to let it get infected.  I have a large circle of necrotic tissue from the bite, also. In a couple of weeks I will need to see a wound specialist/surgeon to deal with excising it.  I'm blessed. Could have been much worse. Could have been in a worse spot. Could have been my child or one of my parents.  I have been the healthiest fat person I know, for the most part....

Once Bitten [Days 1-4]

My German Shepherd-mutt mix bit me once, when I was stupid enough to try to move something over in his food bowl so I could add more. It was really just enough to hurt. I've been nipped by several dogs over the years, and one pregnant dachshund even took a plug out of my thumb. I've been bitten by a couple of non-venomous snakes, their teeth dragging across my skin like a serrated knife, but doing little damage.  But this past Tuesday, I was bitten by something else altogether. Around 4:30, I started feeling nauseated (not nauseous) and a little light-heated, but didn't think too much of it. I left work 30 minutes later and soon found myself on the side of the road with a dead battery and a dead alternator. With my dad's assistance, I stood in the pouring rain for several minutes trying to get the battery charged enough to get my vehicle home. Sitting in his car, I was shivering and didn't feel so good. When I made it to my fiancee's house, I was mise...

An Avowed Christian Now Says He's an Avowed Atheist

Avowed Christian to Avowed Atheist? Tim Lambesis [LAMB-es-sis], age 32, has been best-known as the singer/frontman of the Grammy-nominated Christian metalcore band As I Lay Dying. Unfortunately, for the past year, he has been better known as an attempted murderer. After confessing his marital infidelity to his wife Meggan, and declaring via e-mail his intention to file for divorce, Lambesis decided that was not his best option. Because his wife refused to allow their three adopted children to accompany Tim on tour, and because he was certain at least 60-percent of his income would go to his wife in the divorce, Lambesis approached more than one person with the intent to hire someone to kill her. When an undercover police officer confirmed beyond any doubt the singer's intent, Tim was arrested and charged with solicitation of murder, in May 2013. Tim pleaded not guilty, claiming his addiction to body-building steroids had clouded his judgment. Immediately following his ar...


I don't look because I see my part But closed eyes don't keep my sin in the dark My heart breaks  From the things I do Surely it's a sign I  belong to You

Passing on the Debt

When I die, I will pass on to my children the things in my life that are precious to me. Some they will claim after I'm gone: my favorite Bible, the knife in my pocket at the time, my truck, and so on.  Others will be theirs while I still draw breath: some books, collectible items, what wisdom I have.  What I really want to pass on is my debt.  No, not financial burden. My debt to Christ for what He has done for me.  I've taught them through words and walking. I have no greater joy than seeing in them a deep love for The Lord.  This is one gift for which they won't have to wait.  I pray they pass the debt on to their children, too.

Intolerance and Grace

I'll say right at the beginning here that I know countless people have written on this subject, and I doubt my rants will add anything of real value to the mix. Wiser people than I have been ignored more than I have on this issue, and no doubt my comments will be largely ignored by those to whom they are directed.  No matter. I need to get this off my hairy chest. The logic of the day is illogical. When a person or group declares that tolerance is the ultimate expression of peaceful humanity, what they really mean is every one else should be tolerant of the views that person or group holds. They very rarely (very, very rarely) mean that they, too, are tolerant of opposing views.  Tolerance accepts that your view is different than mine, and allows you freedom to express your viewpoint. Tolerance also allows me the same freedom to express my viewpoint.  This applies to religious views as well as personal opinions on a variety of topics.  Never is it "fair" o...

Right Now

Right Now, I am ... Listening to Demon Hunter Watching it rain Editing my weekly newspaper column Checking my teaching notes for tonight's class Wondering about the new boss tomorrow Writing a paper proposal in my head Deciding to decide on something Missing my youngest ones Munching mints Listening to Joey+Rory

I Will Praise

I will praise You, Lord, When the sink is full of dirty dishes And when the trash can is full Because we have had food to eat. I will praise You, Lord, When the power bill comes And the rent is due Because we have had heat and a roof over us. I will praise You, Lord, When I don't want to go to work And I'm tired through and through Because I have a job, to earn. I will praise You, Lord, When all is well When all is right Because You are God and good. I will praise You, Lord

Five Statements By Which I Live

Though these are far from exhaustive, these five "statements" are truths that have shaped my life, and continue to do so. I share them with you, for whatever that's worth. > Today is the only day we have been given (yesterday is gone, & tomorrow hasn't arrived) - so live in it, for the Lord! > Can you do anything about another person's attitude? Not really. But you can do something about your own. > People are not basically good. All people are basically evil, until God changes them. According to the Bible, no one can do things that are intrinsically, everlastingly good unless God's Holy Spirit lives within them. So love people to the Lord. > No one should expect lost people to act like they are saved. Expect lost people to act like lost people. Expect saved people to act like saved people. > You should always be the first to ask forgiveness, and the first to offer it.

Not a Crook

I can't stand it. I am so weary of seeing article after article, book after book, from intellectual snobs who make and remake the same claim and accusation. The only thing that changes (moderately) is the accuser and the accused. Authors claim J. R. R. Tolkien was not an original author because he owes so much of his mythology to actual mythology. Others claim the same about C. S. Lewis, J. K. Rowling, etc. To answer as with as deep intellectual enthusiasm as I can muster at the moment, "Duh." Of course Tolkien owes much of his mythology to actual mythology. He was a professor of such, for Pete's sake. By the same claim, the author of the book making the accusation can be accused of only being able to publish said book because of what Tolkien did. Plagiarist! Liar! Thief! Any book written about lovers in New York borrows from every other story told about lovers and set in New York. Gasp! Any spy novel borrows ideas from actual events and the authors of sp...