
Showing posts from November, 2012

Moving, and God is Good

Well, today is my last day in my current ("old") address. Just my younger son and me here today. My girls have been at their grandparents' house for a few days now, and their mom and our oldest son went over there this morning. I've been taking care of 'last-minute' things, boxing up more stuff, etc., and my son & I will go over there for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I'll leave from there to move. It's bittersweet. I'll be moving to be with my family in Mississippi, so I'm actually happy about that. I should have a job with little or no problem soon after my arrival there. I won't have to lead a church for a while, at least, and can just go to church with family & friends. But I won't be here. I will be 330 miles from my two lovely daughters and my two strong sons. I will be just steps away from my wonderful parents, and my darling sister and her family, and only about 60 miles from my older "little" brother and ...


I have always been fascinated by maps. I am especially fascinated by maps of places I know. For instance, my family lived in Corinth, MS, when I was very young, just a couple of blocks away from Ft. Robinette (Battery Robinette at the time). This map shows the Civil War battle that took place there: Did I also mention I'm a history buff? Here's another map, of the Battle of Shiloh, which took place not far from Corinth: I like to know where I am, where I've been, and where I'm going. When I'm driving, I like to know where I am in relation to other places - in town, other towns, other roads, etc. I like to know where I am. In case I get lost. Then I won't be lost. Because I'll know where I am. Logic. From about the age of 7 until a few years later, I only knew where we had been when we went on trips. We...

The Day After the 2012 Presidential Elections

Though I used to be registered as a Republican, I have been an Independent for many years now. I have done my best to vote in a way that supports the candidate I believe will do his or her best to do the job for which they are running for the true long-term benefit of the people. Many times, unfortunately, that choice has been for the lesser of two weevils. Or evils. Whatever. I say the same thing today I always have said - no matter for whom you voted (or even if you refused to vote for any reason), the person elected to the office of President of the United States is the president of every American citizen , no matter if you don't like him or her. PRAY for them. Pray NOT that God will remove them from office and let another replace them. Or, if you do, do not let that be your only prayer. Pray that God will use the President to accomplish God's purposes, even if the president is wholly opposed to the things the Bible tells us are godly. Pray for the president! It b...

Computer "Help"

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it (extremely) aggravating when you encounter a tech problem with your PC that you aren't sure what to do about, and Google for help with the issue? I repeatedly find questions and "answers" like this: Q:  I need help! I've locked myself out of my laptop and can't log in. I can't remember my user password. I'm the only user, and it's the administrator account. What do I do? A: Chosen as best by users . Reboot, then log in with your administrator password. Then reset the password for the user account. Hope this helps! Q: No, you don't understand. The account I can't remember the password for IS the Administrator account! I can't log in because I can't get into that account. A: Reboot, holding down the F8 key. Then log in to your administrator account and reset your password. Hope this helps! Q: No, it's not helping! I've tried that. It's the ONLY account I have!!!!!! Somebod...